In Storage world, data is the driver. The purpose of storage vendors is to keep the data safe. Then innovations started. At the most basic level, RAID was offered to keep the disks (or LUN’s) assigned to host (OS or clusters) safe. Then came the issue of availability, So there was dual pathing. But then the entire box could be a single point of failure. Here enters High Availability Manager from Hitachi Data Systems (HDS). So if for what ever reason either due to regular maintenance, or disaster or disaster testing or any other reason for that matter, if we need a failover from one USPV to other, there is a solution now. Failover always could have been done on the Storage Box, but for hosts to failover, it had to be done manually. Now even this is automated.
So you let the second USPV takeover from the first, all at the back end, front end, everything runs the way it was. I think this is not just an incremental jump. Good news for customers. Better sleep.
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