Thursday, January 11, 2018

Vijay Mukhi

I read in the news papers of the passing away of the genius Vijay Mukhi. I never got a chance to attend his trainings, but those who attended admired his technical skills.

Knowing something is different and being able to deliver it so that your students ultimately become larger than yourself, is the aim of every trainer. Vijay Mukhi created thousands and thousands of students, via both his training institute as well as the books that he has left.

I 1991, some time, I started reading the C Odyssey, series. The book is so well written. Example by example. Those days (and even today), text books were too much story telling. Concept after concept and no real examples. The C Odyssey, was a paradigm shift. The book was full of examples. Not just examples, but related examples. Short lines of code, related code, and any one could read and master it.

The C Odyssey series looked like this.

The likes of Vijay Mukhi build a foundation for the future. Education is the basis of gowth. He will be missed. Loads of interesting material is available here

Source : Mid Day