Monday, November 18, 2013

Cloud Storage. What to look for.

Every one talks cloud. Let us look at Cloud Storage. What it means? You store your data at a third party place. Why? May be lower cost, administration simplification, security, protection etc. All these things encourage us.

Where are the risks? Like all business a cloud business can fail too. What if your cloud company is the single point of failure. What happens then?

a. Your data sits on the cloud. Your cloud provider closes shop. Do you have enough time to get it back? Even you have that time, do you have enough space to get it back. Even if you can get it back will the provider have enough bandwidth for all those who want their data?

b. Suppose you got back the data, you also somehow managed to secure some storage, will your applications work? Who will make changed to them? Can you keep your RPO?

So then what is the solution? May be in a next post.

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